America at War
America at War Dr. Andrews
Course Description: This course will examine the major aspects of America's involvement in war since America's early foundations to the present.
Readings: various readings assigned in class
Grading: Each quarter may consist of a slightly different number of tests, essays, projects, and homework assignments depending upon how test days fall in the calendar, etc.
For any given quarter, add the following: Hypothetical numbers:
Essays/projects (100 pts. each)
if 3 essays/projects, up to 300 points
Multiple Choice Tests
(each 100 point test covers 1-2 chapter readings/topic areas)
if 3 tests, up to 300 points
Class Participation up to 100 points
700/7 = 100 pts.
The quarter grade will be computed by dividing the total number of points by the number of 100 pt. units assigned during a particular quarter. A quarter that had more/less essays, tests, and/or other assignments than another quarter might have a different total number of points, such as 600-800 points and then be divided by 6 or 8 accordingly.
Class Participation
(***Your attendance is very important. You cannot participate if you are not here; class participation includes in-class work, demonstrated knowledge of the readings in in-class discussions, and reaction papers to in-class videos.)
Tests (&/or Pop Quizzes)
(Tests will be given every one-two weeks in the typical semester, usually on only one or two chapters and usually in the objective (multiple choice or short answer) format. While chapter tests &/or quizzes will usually be announced, they may be unannounced on occasion to ensure that readings are done in a timely fashion.)
Projects/Oral Presentations/Research Papers (details to be given in class)
It is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s, to find out about and makeup any missing work, projects, papers, in-class assignments, &/or tests/quizzes missed because of legitimate absence*** either on the day of the student’s return or within one day of the student’s return either after school or during a period of the teacher’s choosing (if that student does not already have another class). Sports &/or other after school activities do not excuse a student from making up missed work. Assignments not submitted &/or tests/quizzes not taken because of a “cut” will receive a grade of a “zero.” Any “cut” during an academic quarter will have a serious and detrimental impact upon a student’s class participation grade for that quarter.
***Absences, other than for illness or attendance at funeral services, must be pre-approved by the teacher to be considered a legitimate absence for missing class in this course.
Students who are late must have a pass from another teacher. Frequent lateness will have a negative impact upon a student’s grade. Students who are scheduled to have a test or major assignment due that period are not excused from that period’s test or assignment simply because they “have a pass.”
WWII era Sherman tank
The Pentagon