
  • Welcome to my site for Precalculus, Computer Science & Geometry!

    I hope the information provided here will serve you well, and answer any questions that may come about.  Listed below is my class schedule for the 2016-2017 school year.


    Period 1

    PreCalc ~ S-1

    Period 4

    Intro Computer Sci ~ CLab

    Period 5

    Intro Computer Sci ~ CLab

    Period 7

    CC Geometry H  ~ S-18

    Period 8

    CC Geometry H  ~ S-18

    Extra Help is offered by appointment; please see me to set up a time. 

    I can be reached durring school hours via telephone at 631-367-6933 or via email at jmendreski@csh.k12.ny.us


    "Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know." 
                                                                                                                    - Daniel J. Boorstin