My Home Page - Ms. Martino
Ms. Meredith Martino
English Dept. 631.367.6832
Course Information: Click on class link for documents-top left.
English 9, English 8, Writing Workshop 8, Kaleidoscope 7
(For the most current)Daily homework and announcements: Access calendar and course page using the CANVAS App on your phone or from the CSHHS homepage
ENGLISH Testing Days (2017-18) Tuesday (English only)
Wednesday is open to all subjects except Science
Important Handouts: Click on Files tab, Updated materials and assignments on CANVAS which all students have access to on any mobile device
Honor Code: Do not plagiarize and/or copy another person's work.
MLA Citation Information: We will be using MLA 8. The website is helpful. Be sure to click on MLA 8.