Classroom Music

  • Classroom Music Faculty:

    Mr. Santangelo - Theater Workshop (click here for Mr. Santangelo's website)

    Dr. Marullo - Classroom Music, Music Studio, AP Music Theory (click here for Dr. Marullo's website)

    Program Information:

    Theater Workshop consists of 9th-12th grade students who have a passion and an interest in the theater arts.  This course meets every day and fulfills the (1) credit graduation requirement for the arts.

    Classroom Music consists of 7th and 8th-grade students who choose not to perform in a performing ensemble in Jr. High. The class focuses on music theory and history, along with a large Music Studio component where students will be introduced to the work that can be done in Music Studio at the HS level.  This course meets every other day.

    AP Music Theory consists of 9th-12th grade students who are highly advanced in their musical studies, and wish to pursue music at the AP level.  This course meets every day and will help to prepare students for the AP Music Theory exam in May. 

    Music Studio consists of 9th-12th grade students who have a passion for writing, recording, and creating their own music.  The class focuses on electronic music and takes place in the Studio Lab which is fitted with iMacs and keyboards.  Students will learn how to use the computer programs Logic and Digital Performer to create and record their music.  This course meets every day.

    Below you will find links to important documents.