Jr/Sr High Music

    The goal of the music department is to offer a progressive learning curriculum in an environment that gives each student the opportunity to find self-expression through a variety of musical experiences.
    Jr. High Music (7-8): Students are required to take at least (1) credit of music in Junior High.  This requirement can be met by taking Classroom Music, Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Choir/Wind Ensemble or Choir/Orchestra.  At CSH students have the unique ability to take both an instrumental ensemble and a choral ensemble!  
    Sr. High Music (9-12): Students are required to take at least (1) credit of arts courses (fine or performing).  This requirement can be met by taking Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Choir/Wind Ensemble, Choir/Orchestra, Choir/Chamber Orchestra, Music Studio or Theater Workshop. AP Music Theory is a highly sought-after music elective but does not fulfill the arts requirement.
    At the High School, level students are once again offered the unique opportunity to schedule both an instrumental and vocal ensemble, where they alternate every other day.  Students are not permitted to alternate a major performance ensemble every other day with any other courses.
    There are many extracurricular music activities and clubs for students to take part in at both the Jr. and Sr. High School.  Below is a list of our music courses and extracurricular activities.  Click on the specific title for more information. 
    There is also a link to the Music Honor Societies page.  There are currently two honor societies for eligible music students, The International Thespian Society, and The Tri-M Music Honor Society.  Click the link for more detailed information and requirements for induction into Tri-M and Thespians. 
    COURSE OFFERINGS                                 EXTRA CURRICULAR
    Choir (7-12) Major Performance Ensemble                                              Jazz Band (7-12)
    Orchestra (7-12) Major Performance Ensemble                                     Chamber Singers (9-12)
    Chamber Orchestra (7-12) Major Performance Ensemble               Pit Orchestra (7-12)
    Wind Ensemble (7-12) Major Performance Ensemble                          Musical Productions (7-12) 
    AP Music Theory (9-12)                                                        Drama Production (9-12)
    Music Studio (9-12)                                                               Drama Club (7-12)
    Theater Workshop (9-12)                                                    Music Club (7-12)