Chorus / General Music
Chorus/General Music Faculty:
Ms. Martin - Grades 2-6 General Music/Chorus Teacher (Click Here for Ms. Martin's Website)
Program Information:
Children in grades 2-6 are offered a comprehensive music program. Through the years they will gain an understanding of the basic elements of music: melody, harmony, rhythm, form, and expression. Students experience these concepts through activities and games involving listening, singing, rhythmic movement, dancing, composing, and playing instruments.
The general music classroom is equipped with a large variety of pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments such as xylophones, metallophones, drums, claves, maracas, etc.
It is through the use of these instruments that students become increasingly proficient in their skill development.Every effort is made to integrate music with the core curriculum areas. Some examples are: Grade 2- Patriotic songs, grade 3- World Cultures, Grade 4- Colonial times and recorder playing, grade 5- Immigration and grade 6-The Renaissance
American folk songs, patriotic, and seasonal music make up the core of the general music curriculum. These songs encourage children to discover the history and values of their own American heritage and culture. Building a repertoire of songs that all students can sing together fosters a powerful sense of community, cooperation, and school spirit. There are many opportunities for group singing on the LHTV Morning Announcements and at Graduation.
Finally, the general music curriculum emphasizes accurate and expressive choral singing as the foundation for all further musical development. As such, 4th graders perform in a beginner level chorus toward the end of the school year; 5th and 6th graders in a combined intermediate level chorus during the winter and spring semesters. Individual and small group vocal coaching is available for eligible older students who participate in the annual NYSSMA and All-County Chorus Festivals.
Below you will find links to important documents.