Jr. High Clubs and Activities

  • Clubs

    Junior high students are encouraged to participate and join a variety of clubs.  Students who are interested in joining one or more clubs should check the Junior High After-School Activities Schedule to learn more about the club, the club’s advisor, and meeting times.  Below is a list of the different junior high clubs.  Students should also check the junior high activities brochure to read details about each club.

                    Amnesty International

    •       Art Club

            Baking Club

            Book Club

    •       Brainstormers

    •       Chess Club

    •       Drama (Junior High School Play Production)

    •       Environmental Club

    •       Fashion Club

            FLAG (Fight Like A Girl)

            FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)

    •       French Club

    •       Harborview (School Newspaper)

    •       Hawk Talk

            Holocaust Genocide Project

            International Club               

    •       Junior High History Club

    •       Junior High Jazz Band

            Junior Leaders

    •       Locks of Love

    •       Junior High Mathletes (after school math contests)

    •       Junior High Mock Trial

    •       Junior High Musical

    •       Junior High Robotics

            Marine Biology

    •       Outreach 7-8 (after school homework help)

    •       Pep Club

    •       Photography Club

    •       Political Science Club

    •       Science Club

    •       Spanish Club

            Stock Market Club

            Student Booster Club

    •       Student Government (elections held in September)

    •       SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)

    •       SWWAT (Students Waging War Against Tobacco)

    •       Tapestry (literary magazine)

    •       Warhammer Strategy Gaming Club

    •       Junior High Yearbook


    Junior high students may participate in a variety of other clubs that would include high school students.  Students interested in these clubs should check the a.m./p.m. announcements in the main office to find out when these clubs meet.