It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the school when a child is ill or will be absent from school. Parents are requested to call (631) 367-5948 before 9 AM on the day of the absence. You may also choose to send an email instead. The email address is ghattendance@csh.k12.ny.us
Written notification to the school after an absence is required by New York State Law. The date of absence and reason must be indicated, and the note must be signed by the child’s parent or guardian. The note should be given to the classroom teacher the day the child returns to school.
Parents are specifically requested to report all cases of communicable/contagious diseases (i.e. strep, flu, pink eye) to the school nurse.
LATE ARRIVAL:If your child arrives after 8:25 AM, please walk your child into the school through the main entrance and sign in at the security desk.